Excursion to the Institute

Group photograph with the students at the plot

Excursion to the Institute

On the 20th September, 2023, 21 students from the College of Agriculture, Mokwa, led by Mr. Mohammed Jiya, were on a field trip to the institute. Details on the history, mandate and objectives of the Institute were exposed to them. In accordance to the request of the students who have never seen or being to a cocoa plot, they were taken to the Institute’s demonstration plot. At the plot, CRIN mandate crops and various Agronomic Practices required by each of the crops was shown to them. Dr. Adebiyi and the extension staff anchored the visit.

Previous CRIN Scientist Wins Scientific Exchanges Program (SEP) Fellowship

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The Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) was established in Ibadan, Oyo State on 1st December, 1964 as a successor autonomous rese arch organisation to the Nigerian Substation of the defunct West African Cocoa Research Institute (WACRI)

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